Thursday, May 17, 2012

Gamete Commodification - Deal Or No Deal?

Egg Donation Requirements - Gamete Commodification - Deal Or No Deal?
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Gamete Commodification - Deal Or No Deal?. And the content associated with Egg Donation Requirements.

Do you know about - Gamete Commodification - Deal Or No Deal?

Egg Donation Requirements! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

What's so special about gametes that causes us to be involved about their commodification? Commodification itself is not a bad thing. In free societies, supply-and-demand relationships unquestionably resolve prices. [I'm presupposing the absence of monopolistic practices. In oil output and supply, for example, monopolistic practices skew prices considerably.]

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How is Gamete Commodification - Deal Or No Deal?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Egg Donation Requirements.

We change goods and services all day long, seeing right through the transparency of their characteristics as commodities. But some services should not be commoditized. Medicine in the U.S. Has severely transformed itself from a medical profession into a crass range of commodity purveyors. We are all the worse for this change.

Should a woman be allowed to sell her ova in the same manner as she might sell other services linked to her body, such as modeling or in the performing arts? Are there differences in the middle of an egg and the range of cells and tissues that comprise her bodily form?

A woman has an inherent right to dispose of her eggs as she wishes. The real issue is we must ensure that her health is not compromised by the procedures complex in egg collection. Principal harm may result, and protections and standards need to be established.

Regarding the inherent for exploitation, "justice requires that the women who go through the rigors of egg retrieval be fairly compensated".1 High fees might be thought about undue inducement, and insufficient fees might be thought about exploitation.

A cycle of egg retrieval could be reasonably priced at ,000. Considering the serious health risks, temporarily unpleasant side effects, and the number of time involved, ,000 seems fair. Such a procedure would prohibit paying ,000, for example, for "Ivy League" eggs. Such an example of "recreational genetics" is not backed by scientific evidence and its prohibition protects gullible inherent buyers. An Ivy League egg may comprise a gene cluster for first-rate intelligence (or for enterprise acumen), but there's no guarantee those genes will be expressed.

The real issues do not present to commodification, but rather concern protecting both buyers and sellers. We should also be worried about the interests of children, and the impact on our community of a market which explicitly places a higher price on "whiteness", "tallness", "Ivy League-ness", and so on. If commodification is not an issue, why set a limit on prices?

Protections would be in place to counter the tendency toward commodification. Buyers would be protected from their own cupidity. Those who think they can buy brains or looks are both misguided and foolish. Capping compensation at ,000 protects the buyer from being dumb.

Likewise, a ,000 ceiling mitigates against undue influence. A ,000 offer for Southern California blond surfer girl eggs would be quite an undue work on on almost any Uc San Diego or Uc Santa Barbara undergrad. Or a lower middle-class woman needing to feed three kids could unquestionably be induced by a ,000 payday, even though her health might already be compromised by stress.

So the ceiling protects everyone. The ceiling also protects the children-to-be by eliminating the concern about eugenics. Buyers are prohibited from paying more in the hope of capturing definite traits, and the whole qoute goes away.

1Steinbock B: cost for egg donation and surrogacy. Mt Sinai J Med 71:255:265, 2004

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