Thursday, May 31, 2012

What Causes Cysts on Your Ovaries?

Egg Donation Process - What Causes Cysts on Your Ovaries?
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Do you know about - What Causes Cysts on Your Ovaries?

Egg Donation Process! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Before we define what ovarian cyst is, let's discuss the general process in the woman's reproductive system. The ovaries are two small organs found in the uterus of a woman's body and they yield hormones including estrogen which trigger menstruation. An egg is released every month and it makes it way down to the fallopian tube to be fertilized (potentially). This whole process is called ovulation. When a follicle fails to issue an egg, an ovarian cyst is formed. It means the egg does not dissolve after the egg is released. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form in the ovaries.

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How is What Causes Cysts on Your Ovaries?

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There are many factors which can trigger ovarian cyst, can be natural or not. If you have irregular menstruation, a cyst can develop. It also applies when someone starts menstruating at an early age (eleven or younger). A woman can also construct a cyst in her ovary if there is a hormonal imbalance in the body. Or if you have thyroid problems, your body can only issue small estimate of hormones. Positive medications can also play a part for a cyst to form in your ovary. Ovarian cyst can also be formed if there is an abscess or blister inside or on your appendix.

Types of Ovarian Cyst

- Pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome)- is a health qoute which affects a woman's hormonal level, menstruation and ovulation. In this state, the follicles fail to open therefore forming cyst on your ovary. Pcos affects 7% of all women.

- Cystadenomas- these cysts are often fluid-filled and they form on the face part of the ovary

- Endometriomas- this health occurs when the tissue from the lining of the uterus grows in other areas of the body like in the ovaries. It can be very painful and it can also influence fertility. Conservative treatments normally try to address pain or infertility issues.

Ovarian cyst is very ordinary and it affects women mostly during the reproductive years. A lot of women certainly have ovarian cyst, since they are non-malignant, they normally go away on their own. But if your cyst is complex, you should seek healing attentiveness as soon as possible.

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